Posts in Rome
The Eternal City

Tre settimane fa sono stata a Roma, la città eterna. Era la mia prima volta a Roma, e la bellezza della città era quasi travolgente. Ecco alcune foto che ho scattato durante i 6 giorni che ho trascorso passeggiando per le strade della città, senza un pensiero al mondo.

Three weeks ago I was in Rome, the eternal city. It was my first time in Rome, and the beauty of the city was almost overwhelming. Here are some photos I took during the 6 days I spent walking the streets of the city, without a care in the world.

Photo Journal: Rome | Thyme & Honey
Photo Journal: Rome | Thyme & Honey
Photo Journal: Rome | Thyme & Honey
Photo Journal: Rome | Thyme & Honey
Photo Journal: Rome | Thyme & Honey
Photo Journal: Rome | Thyme & Honey
Photo Journal: Rome | Thyme & Honey
Photo Journal: Rome | Thyme & Honey
Photo Journal: Rome | Thyme & Honey
Photo Journal: Rome | Thyme & Honey